Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Don’t Trust Just any Plumber to Replace or Repair Your Water Heater.

If you own your home in Bucks, Bensalem, or Montgomery Counties eventually your water heater will need to be repaired or replaced. You will be at the mercy of the plumber that you call if they suggest one or the other. Whether or not to repair or replace is ultimately your decision, but an honest Bensalem plumber like Joe Canty can help you with that decision.

You might use similar logic that you would use with your car…if your water heater is near the end of its life, it would be wise to replace it instead of repairing this essential appliance. You wouldn’t put a new engine into an old car, so why would you make a major repair to a water heater that is near the end of its efficiency?

No matter what you decide, Bensalem plumber Joe Canty, the owner of All Drains Plumbing will give you an honest assessment…every time! Here is an excellent tip from Joe himself…have your water heater examined once per year. That will give you a better handle on the situation. For the right number to call just visit alldrainsbensalem.com. You can always call this phone number 267-356-3857.